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Vinay Maheshwari
CEO and Founder of The Health Factory

Vinay Maheshwari, the CEO and Founder of The Health Factory, stands as a dynamic and accomplished entrepreneur, deeply committed to his craft. His journey from a background in pharmaceuticals to the establishment of The Health Factory, a thriving direct-to-consumer (D2C) startup specializing in pro-nutrition bread, is nothing short of remarkable. In his role Maheshwari infuses his work with an infectious enthusiasm and unwavering passion. His influence extends across every aspect of his company, from driving product innovation to overseeing financial operations and making strategic decisions. However, his true passion lies in the art of crafting healthy, high-quality bread. Under Vinay's visionary leadership, The Health Factory has already made a significant impact on the Indian bread market. His introduction of ground-breaking products like Zero Maida bread and India's first-ever Protein Bread quickly captured the hearts of consumers.


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